Friday, May 17, 2013

The Beaver (2011)

The Beaver (2011)Watch The Beaver (2011) Movie Online Streaming Without Downloading. This Movie released on May 19 2012 in Theater. You can watch The Beaver (2011) Movie Streaming without survey.

Movie Title : The Beaver (2011)
Genre : Drama
Runtime: 91 Minutes
Release Date: May 19 2011
Rating : PG-13
Cast : Mel Gibson, Cherry Jones, Jodie Foster, Anton Yelchin, Riley Thomas Stewart, Zachary Booth, Jennifer Lawrence, Jeff Corbett, Baylen Thomas, Sam Beslin Wright

Plot Summary : Walter Black (‘Mel Gibson’ ) is depressed and sleeps most of the day. It’s driving his family crazy, and his wife Meredith (Jodie Foster) kicks him out. Walter starts carrying a beaver puppet and tries to commit suicide (unsuccessfully). He uses the puppet to talk to himself, trying to bolster his spirits, and is trying to rebuild his life. Through the beaver, the family begins to learn about Walter’s history and problems, and as he continues rebuilding, the beaver shows us all a way to cope.

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