Sunday, May 19, 2013

Stay Hungry (1976)

Stay Hungry (1976)Watch Stay Hungry (1976) Movie Online Streaming Without Downloading. This Movie released on April 23 1976 in Theater. You can watch Stay Hungry (1976) Movie Streaming without survey.

Movie Title : Stay Hungry (1976)
Genre : Drama
Runtime: 102 Minutes
Release Date: April 23 1976
Rating : R
Cast : Jeff Bridges, Sally Field, Arnold Schwarzenegger, R.G. Armstrong, Robert Englund

Plot Summary : A syndicate wants to buy a whole district to rebuild it. They’ve bought every house except the small gym “Olympic”, where Mr. Austria Joe Santo prepares for the Mr. Universum championships a month ahead. The rich sunny-boy Craig Blake is brought in by the syndicate as a dummy to buy the gym. But then he starts to like the people and falls in love with Joe’s friend Marie-Tate.

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